Gill's Volunteering Story

After almost 13 years of volunteering at EAAA, Gill is still enjoying her role and being part of our life-saving charity.

EAAA Volunteer, Gill, sitting in front of computer

Meet Gill

It was a walking holiday and a chance conversation in a supermarket in 2010 that inspired Gill Smith and her husband Alan to start supporting EAAA.

“Alan and I were planning a 192-mile coast-to-coast walking holiday with some family and friends.” Gill explains. “While shopping one day, we happened to bump into a lady I knew. We got talking about what we had planned for a holiday, and it was this conversation which sparked the idea about using the walk to raise money for a charity.”

The group, including Gill and Alan, then needed to decide which charity they wanted to support. Their hearts were already guiding them towards local good causes when the next day they read an article about EAAA in their local paper. 

“From there the decision was made and agreed by us all to support EAAA.” Gill says. 

“We contacted EAAA and shared what we were planning to do. When we had completed our coast-to-coast walk, we returned to the EAAA office to donate the money we had raised. It was then we got talking to one of the team in more detail about becoming volunteers. Her enthusiasm for the charity was contagious, so we decided to sign up and do what we could to be part of the team.  Almost 13 years later, we are still enjoying the role and being part of this vital charity.” 

During this time, Gill has enjoyed other challenges and experiences with EAAA. 

“I ran the London Marathon back in 2017. This was a huge thing for me as I hadn’t run for quite a few years, let alone complete a Marathon!  However, it was something I was determined to do before I turned 60. My fundraising target was a minimum of £2,500, which was very daunting, but it forced me to take ownership of my fitness levels and Hubby, Alan helped me with the journey! I will always be so grateful for his support, understanding and encouragement to fulfil my target.  Together with family, friends and everybody’s support I completed the marathon in slightly under the time I set and raised £5,300!  It was a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness of the vital service carried out by EAAA, and it was such a wonderful experience and a day I will never forget.”   

Gill has also enjoyed other experiences, which have further enriched her volunteering experience with EAAA. 

“I love to bake, and I was fortunate to win a day baking with Ian Cumming, the runner-up from TV’s ‘The Great British Bake Off’ when he judged a competition at a meet up for volunteers.”

East Anglian Air Ambulance

“Another highlight of my volunteering for EAAA and a local Guide group back in 2012 was being chosen by Samsung to carry the Olympic Torch. It was another day I will always remember.”  

East Anglian Air Ambulance

— Gill, EAAA Volunteer

As EAAA volunteers, Gill and Alan enjoy supporting many different tasks and activities.

“We pick up collection boxes in our local area and help out at events like Trek 24, Only The Brave and Open Days. We also give talks and take part in cheque presentations on behalf of EAAA.”

The Covid-19 pandemic became a key moment for Gill and her EAAA volunteering journey.

“During the lockdowns, I had lost a lot of confidence because of working from home and not being able to carry out my usual volunteering activities.” Gill explains, “I was then given the chance to be part of the Welcome Desk team at Helimed House, EAAA’s Norwich Headquarters, at a crucial turning point. I was thrilled – I really wanted to get back some of my confidence and self-esteem, which had gradually dripped away during lockdown because of being unhappy and missing my friends and family, like so many others at that time.”

Three years later and Gill is back thriving and volunteering on a regular basis for EAAA. Her emotional well-being has also improved as she has built up her confidence and embraces the new experiences that volunteering with EAAA brings.

“I have really stepped out of my comfort zone and tested my energy and stamina levels – especially when I found myself giving a talk to Guiding Groups, from Brownies to Guides, right through to the Trefoil Guild!”

“Alan and I always say volunteering has taken us places we would never have otherwise gone, and we have met people we would never have met.  It gives us that certain glow of knowing we are valued and appreciated as part of a very important team whenever and in whatever we do. We love it. It gives me a real buzz and purpose, and it’s great to meet up with like-minded people and continue to meet new people.”

Gill concludes: “I feel I light up when I’m given the opportunity to talk about and be involved with this superb charity. The rewards and friendships made from volunteering are not to be missed. Together we save lives.”

Thank you to Gill for sharing her story.

Gill and Alan, EAAA Volunteers, sitting in camp chairs at event

Get in touch

If you are interested in the volunteering opportunities available at East Anglian Air Ambulance, or you have skill you would like to offer to our charity, then we would love to welcome you to the team! Contact us on  

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