If you would like a collection box to display at your community event or venue, or if you have a box or boxes that need collecting or servicing, please use these forms to arrange this with us.
Display your East Anglian Air Ambulance collection box proudly and prominently (use a security chain if required) and encourage as many people to donate as possible.
When your collection box is full, let us us know by calling, returning to this page and filling in the form to arrange a pick up, or you can phone our Supporter Engagement Team on 03450 669 999 or send us an email at info@eaaa.org.uk.
Please remember that the team member coming to empty the collection box will always have an East Anglian Air Ambulance ID card with them. Always ask to see this, and if you are not sure, you can call us to check their identity.
Our team member will write you a receipt and will take the box or boxes back directly to the bank, or back to our office to be counted and banked. They can also provide new, empty boxes so that you can keep collection.
Once the money has been counted and banked, you will receive a letter with a heartfelt thank you and confirmation of the total raised. You can even request a certificate, which you can display proudly to let your customers know how much they have raised!
By following these steps, you will be ensuring that the donations are safe, reduce any false or fraudulent collections, and both your staff and our team are protected. As an additional security measure, if we think there is reason to believe fraudulent activity is taking place, we may, from time to time, do random spot checks on collection boxes to verify balances counted by our team members. This would involve a member of our Fundraising Team counting the contents of the collection box and resealing it before the team member comes and collects the box from you. All our team members know we do this and there is nothing for you to worry about, we would just need your assistance in helping us carry out the check, and you would receive a full briefing beforehand. Thankfully, this issue is extremely rare!