Kickstart your fundraising by setting up a JustGiving page so your friends and family can support you easily. The donations made via JustGiving come straight to East Anglian Air Ambulance, saving you a trip to the bank or post office.
Prefer to stay offline? No problem! Download our sponsorship form instead.
Download our list of recommended equipment you should bring with you on your trek. We recommend you follow weather reports the week before the challenge and choose from the list below what you think you will need.
Prepare for you 24km or 24 miles trek by downloading our training plan with ten top tips and training guidance.
We have lots of items available to access on our website but if you require any further assistance, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team on
Honour your loved one by wearing a dedication bib during your challenge event. These are available to download and print at home, or we will send one to anyone who has indicated they are taking part in memory of somebody before event day.